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50th Reunion

Willis Class of 1960

Below L to R: Kathy Jones Peterson, Naci-Jo Moses Dobbs, Kay McElfresh Swartz, Barbara Carnes Buzard, Sue Martin Heston, Edna Starkey Cox

Sue Martin Heston:

Our Reunion was fantastic! We had around 70 show up at Daniel Hursey's home on Friday night, 85 at Oak Haven Golf Club on Saturday night, and about 70 at Garth's Auction Barn for brunch on Sunday from 10:00 - 2:00. It was almost like being 18 again! Now it's back to "Reality".

Ed Bills:

Just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who put together such a fine weekend for our 50th. I know I had a great time visiting with everyone, and from the looks on everyone's faces, they did too.

Dan was a gracious host on Friday night, I hope we did not leave things in a mess or cause problems for the neighbors with all of the cars. You may get quite a reputation for throwing wild parties out there! The evening was very enjoyable, one of the finest I have had.

The committee outdid themselves with all the events that had to be planned and food arranged. I saw all of the plates carried in and thought of all the work in preparing the food (I assume the committee again!).

Rick's pictures and the production brought back lots of memories, some that had been forgotten, and maybe some that should have been forgotten! We could not have found a more professional production anywhere.

Since I was unable to do anything but enjoy the fruits of everyone's labor I thought the least I could do is send along some thanks for all the work that went into such a wonderful event.

Thanks again. Please pass on my thanks for those whose e-mail I did not have.

Hope we can get together real soon for another event, one where we can hire someone to do all the work!

September 17, 18, 19, 2010

Comments from Classmates

(Photos courtesy of Rick Scarry)